Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Where can I get registration forms?

A. Registration is completed online only. The form can be found on our website.  Register here

Q. Does my child need basketball experience to play with the HBA?

A. No, your child does not need any basketball experience to play with the HBA.

Q. Do I need to buy any special equipment for my child to play?

A. Your child will receive a team shirt. You will have to provide your child with running shoes to be worn in the gymnasium for practices and games.

Q. How long is the season?

A. The HBA season begins in mid-October and ends the first weekend in March, ending with a year-end tournament before March Break.

Q. What are your registration fees?

A. Our regular registration fees are based on the age of the player as of December 31 2024.  Our 2024-2025 season fees are:

  • Rookie Ball (5-7 years of age) = $225
  • Senior Boys (17-19 years of age) = $275
  • All Other Divisions (8-16 years of age) = $299

Q. Do you offer financial subsidies for your registration fee?

A. For financial subsidy guidelines and applications through JumpStart, please click here:

If you are paying the registration fee through JumpStart, please contact us at (please indicate "JumpStart Payment Inquiry" in the subject line).

Q. What does the registration fee include?

A. All divisions except Rookie Ball receive the following with the registration fee:

  • a 14-15 game schedule consisting of one game and one practice per week (contingent on availability (holidays/shutdown, and weather closures).  See below for more details on games and practices.
  • a year-end tournament
  • a basketball team jersey
  • a basketball
  • and an award

The Rookie Ball division receives the following with the registration fee:

  • 12 sessions of developmental basketball (contingent on availability (holidays/shutdown, and weather closures)
  • basketball team shirt
  • basketball
  • and an award

Q. When and where are practices held?

A. For all divisions except Rookie Ball and U19 Boys practices are held for one hour, one night a week, Monday to Friday, in the evening.  Each team is assigned a practice day, time, and location at the start of the season.  Note: The assigned practice day, time and location will not change during the season.  All practices are held at schools throughout Hamilton.  When registering, you can select your preferred practice area. Please note that while all attempts will be made to satisfy your preferences, the HBA reserves the right to assign players based on registration numbers, and site availability.

For Rookie Ball, developmental basketball sessions are held at schools throughout Hamilton.  For locations and days, please see the registration page.

For U19 Boys, practices are held on Saturday afternoon before the games.

Q. When and where are games held?

A. For all divisions except Rookie Ball and U19 Boys, games are held on Saturdays starting at 9:00 am until 3:00 pm and are 1 hour long.

For Rookie Ball, there are no weekly games; only developmental basketball sessions. Please see above for more information.

For U19 Boys, games are held on Saturday afternoons.

Q. Can my child play on a particular coach's team? Can I specify a specific practice location and date/time? Can my child be on their friend's team? Can I have my child play with a friend/family member so we can share rides?

A. While the HBA tries to accommodate all requests, we cannot guarantee them. We reserve the right to assign players based on registration numbers, and site availability.

Q. I forgot my practice night/game location, and don't have the coach's phone number.

A. Information about practices and games is available on your child's team page within the HBA website.

Q. Can my child play with their sibling, even though they are two years older?

A. Children must play in their own age group. No exceptions are made.

Q. Are the teams co-ed?

A. Only the Rookie Ball and HBA Co-ed divisions are co-ed.

Q. What if I can't make my practice night due to another commitment?

A. Practices are very important. As a team game, many concepts need to be worked on with other teammates. Most players will miss a practice through the season. Those that cannot make any practices due to another commitment should contact the HBA to see if there is another facility with an opening that has a different practice night. If this option is not available, the player should rethink their involvement with the HBA.

Q. How old does my child have to be to play with the HBA?

A. We have divisions for Girls and Boys, 5 - 18 years old.

Q. If my son/daughter is small for their age can they play with the younger children?

A. The league is based on the date of birth and not size/ability. All players must play in their correct age division.

Q. Do you have a league sponsorship program?

A. For information about our sponsorship program, please see our sponsorship page

Q. Can I get a refund of my registration fees?

A. Player withdrawal/refunds will be processed only after a refund request is received in writing from the parent/guardian of the player. An email request sent to will suffice.

Please note:

     a. Refunds are subject to a $40 administration fee if received prior to October 31st. 

     b. No refunds will be issued after October 31st.

HBA xeist store logo

🏀 The HBA XEIST Store is Open! 🏀

Our online store is now live, featuring HBA-branded hoodies, sweatpants, shorts, and more! Perfect for the baller in your family, these items make great gifts for Christmas, birthdays, or just to show support. Check out the storefront and gear up in HBA style!

Support your league and rep HBA proudly!





Hamilton Basketball Association
2 - 558 Upper Gage Avenue
Suite 271
Hamilton, ON
L8V 4J6